
strategic plan

Lough Key Forest and Activity Park a joint venture between Coillte and Roscommon County Council opened in 2006. Since then, it has developed into a key visitor destination within Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands. It has created significant local employment and generates economic activity within the local and wider regional economy of Co. Roscommon.

Having had a very successful first 15 years of activity at the Park, in 2018 the management team at Lough Key Forest & Activity Park prepared an options study to inform what might come next.

In Spring 2023 Coillte and Roscommon County Council engaged a project team to prepare a strategic plan, outlining a vision for Lough Key Forest and Activity Park over the next 5-10 years.

This strategy sets out a vision for the park as a mature destination with developed and enhanced facilities in a distinctive lakeside setting as part of an extensive interconnected woodland and lake landscape.

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  • 2018 – Initial options report for the Park developed and shared with public
  • 2023 – Five – ten year sustainable development plan created
  • 2024 – Detailed design, environmental survey and assessment of public and stakeholder consultation and submissions made for planning permission
  • 2025/2026 – Development works to commence in phases
  • 2026 – Opening of new and upgraded facilities at the park

Why Develop a Strategic Plan ?

  • Lough Key Forest and Activity Park is a focus destination within Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands and Shannon Master plan Region
  • It will deliver significant economic and social benefits to the local and wider economy
  • Upgrades will positively impact local employment by increasing visitor numbers to the region
  • Improvements to facilities will allow for greater sustainability in all aspects of the Park’s operation
  • It will introduce protocols to protect and enhance the biodiversity of the park
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Funding announced on June 19th 2024

Coillte in conjunction with Roscommon County Council announces Sustainable Development Plan for Lough Key Forest and Activity Park.

  • Project is boosted by €1.2m funding awarded by Fáilte Ireland as part of the EU Just Transition Fund to support the creation of the development plan
  • Upgrades to visitor centre, local trails, and water activities proposed as part of a vision to enhance Lough Key Forest and Activity Park as a world class visitor destination

Coillte, the Semi-state forestry company, in conjunction with Roscommon County Council, has announced plans to develop Lough Key Forest and Activity Park. Currently at the early stages of concept and design, this sustainable development plan is part of Coillte’s strategy to develop more world class visitor destinations in Ireland. The project has been awarded €1.2m by Fáilte Ireland’s Regenerative Tourism and Placemaking Scheme, co-funded by the EU and the Government of Ireland under the EU Just Transition fund. The funding will be used to help fund the creation of the development plan to enhance the visitor experience at Lough Key Forest and Activity Park.

Among the range of enhancements being considered are:
  • An activity centre for children and adults;
  • New forest experiences to further enhance the existing aerial adventures and tower experiences;
  • An enhanced beach and swimming area at the lake;
  • A meadow/lawn events area;
  • Expanded dining and on-site retail facilities offering local artisan foods and crafts;
  • Improved parking at the site.

Lough Key Forest and Activity Park in County Roscommon offers 350 hectares of forest, semi-natural woodland and parkland set on the stunning Lough Key. It already draws thousands of visitors each year to the aerial forest adventures and electric bike trails, Boda Borg and Adventure Play Kingdom, kayaking and the boat tours on the lake, or simply to experience nature by walking through the woodlands and forest.

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Concepts and ideas for Lough Key

The following images envisage ideas or concepts for new facilities and services at the forest park

In the next stage, detailed design and environmental surveying will be undertaken to assess the feasibility of these concepts

You are invited to give your feedback to [email protected] at any stage.

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